Wednesday, September 2, 2009

roasted kitty.

it's hot! so hot that claire has decided to take the day off and spend it belly up on the center of the living room floor. 
in other hot news - roommate is all moved in, despite it's deliciousness i'm not eating mexican food anymore (yeeeeaaah riiiight!) and disc 3 of gossip girl season 1 is here!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

third time's a charm!

my floors are FINALLY bright white!! they look amazing!! the new roommate moves in tomorrow so we're going to run our left over paint on the floor of his bedroom.  i can't get over how clean and crisp the floors look!  i can rest easy now thanks to frank and my little brother for sanding the room! 

Saturday, August 29, 2009

white floor disaster!

on thursday project "white floors" began. we primed the floors then painted them antique white and applied an oil based polyurethane to about a quarter of the room before we noticed it yellowing.  i googled the problem and learned that we should have used a water based polyurethane. back to home depot! on friday we re-primed, repainted and re-polyurethaned with a water base x2.  an hour later i peep in the room only to find large yellowish streaks all over! while i'd think most friends would politely sugar coat the outcome, mine were honest - "it looks like urine." gah! the help at home depot can't seem to tell their left from their right so we travelled the extra miles to lowe's only to find the help as unhelpful as the HD "paint experts." we picked up white oil based enamel and are hoping that this does the trick.  i've read blog after blog about how easy it is to paint wood flooring white but at this point i'm ready to call in the shag wall to wall carpet (in 100F weather no less). according to the folk at the home improvement stores, oil based porch paint is no longer being sold here. my heart is set on white wood floors (in case your wondering why on earth i'd paint over hardwood - the floors are badly stained) but for now i'm stuck with floors that are reminiscent of the floors at the local dive bar:

round 3 update to follow.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

fresh white.

i'm an idiot and forgot to take before photos of the bedroom. purpley-mauve walls and gray painted hardwood.  i've painted the walls a tan color with antique white trim and now the floors are getting a white make over!  i was inspired by a blogger who was inspired  by other bloggers ... tag, i'm totally it.

here's the inspiration:

this place is in shambles and the new roommate moves in over the wkend! yikes.